Curing cannabis: Why it’s important and how to do It properly

When it comes to growing marijuana, it is essential to not only focus on the cultivation process but also on the post-harvest procedures. One crucial step in ensuring the longevity and quality of your cannabis crop is the curing process. Curing cannabis involves the careful drying and storage of the harvested buds, allowing for the development of flavor, potency, and preventing mold and mildew growth. In this article, we will explore why curing marijuana is important and how to do it properly to ensure the best possible results.

Why You Should Cure Marijuana

Curing marijuana is an essential step that many growers, from cannabis cup winners to expert medical growers, swear by. While it is not necessary to cure marijuana to enjoy it immediately after harvest, curing is vital if you want to store it for a longer duration. Freshly harvested “green” marijuana can still be enjoyable but is prone to developing mold and mildew due to its high moisture content. Proper curing not only prevents this but also enhances the overall smoking experience.

Another advantage of curing marijuana is that it allows for the preservation of genetics. If you have grown a high-quality strain and want to reuse its seeds for future grows, curing is crucial. Properly cured buds can preserve seeds without damaging their viability. On the other hand, poorly dried and cured buds can ruin the seeds, rendering them useless.

Curing also has a significant impact on the flavor and potency of the cannabis. Many connoisseurs believe that the flavors become richer and more complex after a proper curing process. Similarly, the terpene profile, which contributes to the aroma and therapeutic benefits of the plant, is enhanced during curing. When stored correctly, cured cannabis can maintain its flavor and potency for months, providing a premium smoking experience.

The Curing Process: Step by Step

Now that we understand the importance of curing cannabis, let’s dive into the step-by-step process of how to do it properly. Here are the key steps involved in the curing process:

1. Harvest at the Right Time: To achieve the best flavor, potency, and overall quality, it is vital to harvest your cannabis at the right time. This typically involves observing the trichomes on the buds and ensuring they have reached the desired level of maturity.

2. Trim Your Buds: After harvesting, it is crucial to trim away any excess leaves or stems from the buds. This enhances the visual appeal and facilitates the drying process.

3. Dry the Buds: The next step is to dry the buds. This can be done by hanging them upside down in a dark, well-ventilated room with a controlled temperature and humidity. The ideal drying conditions are around 60-70°F (15-21°C) with a humidity level of 45-55%. It is essential to monitor these conditions closely to prevent mold or mildew growth.

4. Monitor the Drying Process: During the drying process, it is crucial to regularly check the buds for moisture content. When the smaller stems snap rather than bend, and the larger stems are still slightly bendable, the buds are ready to move on to the next step.

5. Trim Further (If Necessary): After the initial drying, you may need to trim further to remove any remaining unwanted leaves or stems. This step is optional and depends on personal preference.

6. Cure in Airtight Containers: Once the buds are adequately dried, it is time to move on to the curing phase. Place the trimmed buds in airtight containers, such as glass jars, making sure to leave some space at the top to allow for air circulation. The containers should be stored in a cool, dark place, away from direct sunlight or excessive heat.

7. Burp the Jars: During the first few days of curing, it is crucial to “burp” the jars by opening them for a few minutes each day. This allows excess moisture and gases to escape, preventing mold growth. As the curing process progresses, the frequency of burping can be reduced to once a week.

8. Monitor the Curing Process: Throughout the curing process, it is essential to monitor the buds for any signs of mold or mildew. If any mold is detected, remove the affected buds immediately to prevent further contamination.

9. Patience is Key: Curing cannabis is a gradual process that takes time. For optimal results, it is recommended to cure the buds for at least two weeks, and ideally up to two months or longer. The longer the cure, the smoother and more flavorful the final product will be.

Curing Shortcuts: Quick and Easy Methods

While the above steps outline the traditional and most effective way to cure cannabis, there are some shortcuts available for those who prefer a quicker process. These methods may not produce the same level of quality as the traditional curing process but can still yield acceptable results. Here are a few quick and easy methods:

1. Brown Bag Method: After trimming the buds, place them in a brown paper bag and fold the top closed. Leave the bag in a cool, dry place and check on the buds daily for moisture content. This method allows for faster drying but lacks the controlled environment of jars, which may result in less consistent curing.

2. Oven Drying: This method involves placing the trimmed buds on a baking sheet and drying them in a low-temperature oven (around 200°F or 93°C) for a short period. However, caution must be exercised to prevent overheating and damaging the buds. This method is not recommended for beginners and may not result in the best flavor or potency.

3. Using a Food Dehydrator: A food dehydrator can also be utilized for drying cannabis buds quickly. Simply place the trimmed buds on the trays of the dehydrator and set it to a low temperature. However, like oven drying, this method may not produce the same level of quality as the traditional curing process.

Choosing the Right Storage Containers

Once your cannabis is properly cured, it is important to store it in the right containers to maintain its quality. Glass jars with airtight seals are commonly recommended for long-term storage. Mason jars, for example, are an excellent choice as they provide a tight seal and protect the buds from exposure to light, air, and moisture.

It is crucial to avoid plastic bags or containers as they can encourage mold growth due to their lack of breathability. Additionally, clear containers should be avoided as they allow light to degrade the cannabinoids and terpenes in the buds.

Remember to store the jars in a cool, dark place, such as a basement or a cupboard, to prevent degradation caused by heat and light.


Curing cannabis is a crucial post-harvest process that can significantly enhance the quality, flavor, and potency of your buds. By following the proper steps of drying, trimming, and storing, you can ensure that your marijuana crop remains fresh and enjoyable for months to come.

While the traditional curing process may take time and patience, the rewards are well worth it. However, for those seeking a quicker solution, the aforementioned shortcuts can be utilized with acceptable results.

So, whether you are a home grower or a commercial cultivator, take the time to properly dry, cure, and store your cannabis crop. Your efforts will be rewarded with a top-shelf product that is sure to impress both yourself and others.