Sacred Truth Ministries

Sacred Truth Ministries: Promoting Health and Vitality through Live-Food Vegetables and Books

Sacred Truth Publishing, a subsidiary of Sacred Truth Ministries, is dedicated to sharing important health information and promoting vitality through the consumption of live-food vegetables and vegetable products. With a focus on the benefits of fermented foods, Sacred Truth Ministries aims to empower individuals to make informed decisions about their health and well-being.

One of the key products endorsed by Sacred Truth Ministries is miso, a fermented soybean and other ingredients paste. Studies have shown that consuming miso broth or paste on a daily basis can reduce the risk of cancer by 40%. Miso is considered a live-food, meaning it is rich in active cultures that continue to ferment and provide numerous health benefits.

Interestingly, miso paste does not necessarily need to be refrigerated but it is usually recommended to do so, especially after opening. However, miso sold in sealed bags is likely to be “dead” in terms of active cultures. This is because live fermented foods continue to ferment and release gas, which would cause a sealed bag to explode. Unopened jars of miso, on the other hand, can be stored in a cool, dry, dark place, such as a basement. It is advisable to scrape off any mold that may form on the top of the jar, similar to removing mold from cheese.

For those interested in purchasing miso, Sacred Truth Ministries recommends South River Miso as an exceptional source. South River Miso offers a variety of miso flavors, including 3-year barley, adzuki bean, brown rice, and chickpea. The darker the miso, the more intense the flavor, and nutrient content. While the 3-year barley, adzuki bean, and brown rice miso are highly regarded, the chickpea miso stands out for its rich, corn-like flavor.

Apart from using miso in soups and stews (adding it after cooking is done to preserve the live cultures), it can also be incorporated into dressings, dips, gravies, or brines for pickling vegetables. A favorite recipe suggested by Sacred Truth Ministries is a raw refrigerated marinated/pickled vegetable salad that utilizes the brine from green olives and various vegetables.

The mission of Sacred Truth Publishing goes beyond promoting miso and fermented foods. They offer a wide range of books that cover topics such as health, nutrition, alternative medicine, and spirituality. These books provide valuable information and insights to help individuals make positive changes in their lives.

One of the books recommended by Sacred Truth Publishing is “The Gerson Therapy: The Proven Nutritional Program for Cancer and Other Illnesses” by Charlotte Gerson and Morton Walker. This book highlights the Gerson Therapy, a natural treatment approach that aims to detoxify the body and strengthen the immune system to fight against cancer and other diseases. Through a combination of organic juices, a plant-based diet, and other therapies, the Gerson Therapy has shown promising results in numerous case studies.

Another notable book available from Sacred Truth Publishing is “The Art of Fermentation” by Sandor Ellix Katz. This comprehensive guide explores the history, science, and art behind fermentation. From making sauerkraut and kimchi to brewing kombucha or crafting sourdough bread, this book provides step-by-step instructions and practical tips for incorporating fermentation into everyday life.

In addition to books, Sacred Truth Publishing also offers DVD documentaries and audio lectures on various topics related to health, nutrition, and spirituality. These educational resources serve as a valuable tool for individuals seeking to expand their knowledge and make informed choices about their well-being.

Sacred Truth Ministries recognizes the importance of holistic health, which encompasses not only physical well-being but also mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects. They emphasize the connection between the body, mind, and spirit and strive to provide resources that support a balanced and harmonious lifestyle.

In conclusion, Sacred Truth Ministries and its publishing arm, Sacred Truth Publishing, are committed to promoting health, vitality, and spiritual growth through the consumption of live-food vegetables and the dissemination of valuable information through books, DVDs, and audio lectures. By advocating for the benefits of fermented foods, such as miso, and offering a diverse range of educational resources, Sacred Truth Ministries empowers individuals to take control of their health and embrace a holistic approach to well-being.