Do Feminized Cannabis Seeds Make Hermies?

When it comes to growing cannabis, many growers are interested in maximizing their yields and producing high-quality buds. One method that growers commonly use is growing from feminized cannabis seeds. However, there is a common concern among growers that feminized seeds may result in hermaphrodite plants, also known as “hermies,” which can lead to seedy buds. In this article, we will discuss the concept of feminized cannabis seeds and explore whether or not they are more likely to produce hermie plants.

What Are Feminized Cannabis Seeds?

Feminized cannabis seeds are seeds that are specifically bred to produce only female plants. In natural conditions, cannabis plants can be either male or female. Male plants produce pollen, which is used for pollination, while female plants produce buds, which contain the sought-after cannabinoids and terpenes. In a typical cannabis grow, having male plants is undesirable as they do not produce buds and can pollinate the female plants, resulting in seeded buds.

Feminized seeds are created by manipulating the genetics of cannabis plants to ensure that they only produce female offspring. This is usually achieved by inducing stress or using certain chemicals to force a female plant to produce pollen, which is then used to pollinate another female plant. The resulting seeds from this process have a very high chance of growing into female plants, eliminating the need to remove male plants from the grow room and preventing the production of seeded buds.

The Advantages of Feminized Seeds

One of the main advantages of using feminized seeds is that they allow growers to maximize their yield potential. Since only female plants produce buds, growing from feminized seeds ensures that every plant in the grow room will contribute to the final harvest. In contrast, with regular seeds, approximately half of the plants will turn out to be male, which will need to be removed once identified to prevent pollination and seeded buds.

Furthermore, feminized seeds provide growers with more control and predictability in their grow operations. By knowing that every plant will be female, growers can plan their grow cycles more effectively, optimizing their resources and maximizing their yield potential. This is particularly helpful for commercial growers who aim to produce large quantities of high-quality buds.

Understanding Hermies

Before discussing whether feminized seeds are more likely to produce hermies, it’s important to understand what hermies are. “Hermie” is short for hermaphrodite, and hermie cannabis plants exhibit both male and female sexual characteristics. While they may appear to be normal female plants at first, they also develop male flowers or parts of male flowers that produce pollen.

Hermies are undesirable in cannabis cultivation for a couple of reasons. Firstly, the pollen produced by hermaphrodite plants can fertilize the female flowers, resulting in seedy buds. This reduces the overall quality of the harvest, as the energy that the plant would have used to produce cannabinoids and terpenes is diverted into seed production. Seedy buds are also less potent and do not have the same aesthetics as seedless buds.

Secondly, hermaphrodite plants pose a risk to the entire grow operation. If a hermie plant is present in the grow room, there is a high likelihood that it will pollinate the nearby female plants, leading to a large number of seeded buds and compromising the quality of the final harvest. Additionally, the seeds produced from hermaphrodite plants can be genetically unstable, resulting in unpredictable offspring in subsequent generations.

Do Feminized Seeds Produce More Hermies?

The idea that feminized seeds are more likely to produce hermies is a common misconception among cannabis growers. While it is true that feminization techniques involve inducing stress in female plants, which could potentially lead to hermaphroditism, reputable seed banks and breeders go to great lengths to ensure the stability and reliability of their feminized seeds.

High-quality feminized seeds are produced using advanced breeding techniques and rigorous selection processes to eliminate hermaphrodite traits and maintain genetic stability. By carefully selecting parent plants and carrying out extensive testing, breeders can ensure that their feminized seeds are as reliable as possible, minimizing the risk of hermaphroditism.

That being said, it’s important to note that no seed is 100% guaranteed to be free from hermies. Environmental factors, such as stress, light leaks, nutrient deficiencies, or irregular grow conditions, can potentially trigger hermaphroditism in any plant, including those grown from feminized seeds. Therefore, it is essential for growers to maintain optimal growing conditions and monitor their plants closely to prevent any potential stressors that could lead to hermaphroditism.


Feminized cannabis seeds are a valuable tool for growers who want to maximize their yields and produce high-quality buds. By ensuring that every plant grown from feminized seeds will be female, growers can eliminate the need to remove male plants and reduce the risk of pollination and seeded buds. Reputable seed banks and breeders invest significant time and resources into creating stable and reliable feminized seeds, reducing the likelihood of hermaphroditism.

However, it is crucial for growers to remember that environmental factors and poor growing practices can still trigger hermaphroditism in any plant, regardless of its genetic makeup. By providing optimal growing conditions and closely monitoring their plants, growers can minimize the risk of hermaphroditism and enjoy a successful and bountiful harvest of high-quality, seedless buds.